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On the cool Southcoast of Western Australia
Where to find our wild blossoms
The South Coast of Western Australia is known as a flora diversity hot-spot
and is awash with native blossoms every September to early November. The peak is usually late September
dependent upon weather conditions. There are many walks in bushland all around the area where
flowers can be found.

Mutton Bird Beach
20 minutes from town, take Lower Denmark L Elleker-Grasmere Rd, L Mutton Bird Rd to beach. Wildflowers can be found at the T-junction on arrival, Sept-Nov. Take the Bibbulmun track away from beach to see blossoms.

William & Anne Gibb Reserve
15 minutes from town. Ulster Rd which becomes Lower King Road. Continue past the Allambie Park Cemetery. Turn left at Greatrex Road and park on the corner. Walk into the bush and enjoy the wildflowers.
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