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Albany was the site of WA'S first colonial settlement in 1826

Albany's history awaits.

Visit the many historical buildings of Albany and learn about her history,
from the orignial Noongar inhabitants to early colonial settlement & later ANZAC departures.


Dramatic Whaling Rescue

Dramatic Whaling Rescue

This Voiceprint tells the story of the rescue of the skipper, Ches Stubbs who had tragically lost his left leg in a harpooning accident. The story is told by 3 men who were present at the rescue. Accompanied by historic photos and video footage. This Voiceprint was produced by local Albany oral history enthusiast Kim Lofts with assistance from historian, Malcolm Trail. Music composed and performed by local band, Well Strung.

Albany's rich history includes record of the Menang people and our colonial past.

On this page you will find many historic walks around our city and beyond. A visit to the museum will uncover maritime history and the story of the Menang people who were living in Albany~Kinjarling long before the British arrived. Albany's historic past includes many buildings which still stand today including the Courthouse, The Old Post Office and others along Stirling Terrace. 

After visiting the historic sites within the town, you may like to take a 20 minute drive out to visit the old whaling station at Discovery Bay. This unique attraction houses the original whaling station and includes all the machinery used in the harvesting of whale oil and other products from the whale carcasses. The practice of harvesting whales from the oceans is now long gone, however this reminder of our past is worth visiting. If you would like to view an interesting video about Ches Stubbs who lost a leg while out chasing whales, visit here.

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