Albany Summer SchoolJANUARY EVENT (2 weeks)
This annual event hosts classes & workshops in music, art, craft, nature study, writing & a host of other pursuits with expert teachers. Book early, classes fill quickly.
Check website for details. |  Festival of the SeaMARCH (weekend 2 days)
This fishy festival includes wonderful local seafood, boat building and sea shanties. Held in the Albany Boatshed.
Visit website for details. |  Sustainable Living FestivalMARCH
This Festival celebrates how we can all make a difference at home, work, & in the great out-doors. A truly regionaly based Festival.
Check website closer to the date. albany@greenskills.org.au |
 Southern Art & Craft TrailSEPTEMBER & OCTOBER
Follow the trail throughout the region and discover artists at their studios, galleries, wineries & many more places where art is created and exhibited.
click on image to visit website & download Art Trail Guide Booklet.
email: trail@artsouthwa.com.au |  Albany Wildflower ShowSEPTEMBER
View hundreds of examples of local wildflowers at this annual spectacular event held by the Wildflower Society of WA.
Details on website closer to event date. |  Bloom FestivalSEPTEMBER & OCTOBER
Experience the extraordinary landscapes & natural beauty of this region. Wildflowers, tours, open gardens, workshops, long table meals, art & craft.
Check website for information. |
 Show & ShineSEPTEMBER
If you have a love for cars and would like to be a part of a car club with like minded people we would love for you to come down and see what we're all about.
mobile 0477 562 572
Check website for details. |  Camping & Caravan ShowNOVEMBER
Click image to visit our website for current info.
Looking to make that big purchase, upgrade or just check out what's new, this is the perfect opportunity to see the very latest products, all without having to leave town!
check our facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/GreatSouthernCCShow/ |  Albany Agricultural ShowNOVEMBER (2 days, weekend)
See livestock, produce, craft, cooking, demonstrations, farm machinery, caravans, art, photography, flowers, poultry, sideshow alley & more.
Check website for details. |